Monday, June 14, 2010

Pearl barley risotto and my spelling errors make me unique

OK, so it's been a while since I blogged (oops, 6 days). BUT I have been ill, and doubly busy because NOBODY wants to hear ANYTHING from a PR unless it is football related. Good lord I am not happy, client expectations need to be reigned in BIG TIME!

So, the World Cup is upon us. Not for a second did I anticipate the electricity in the air that South Africa is currently experiencing.
And I was ill for the start. But I had to hold the tears back during the opening ceremony, I was bowled over. When Miriam Makheba's 'Click' song came on, I was a sodden mess. And so proud. And so sorry for my dad in the UK and my friend (pregnant and emotional) in France and all other ex pats who were unable to be in our beautiful country for this historic event.
And not sorry for my reporter friend who is covering the game for German TV and gets the best seats in the house and fraternises with the German team as she has to report on them. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! But, all is not lost, I will be watching the Italy vs Slovakia game on the 24th. Whoot!

I am also feeling somewhat like a crappy, incompetent writer at the moment. Having met this guy who photographs his own food (his name is Jono) and puts much effort into his writing, I feel like this is a bit of hash job. The reality is, I write all day and this is a bit of respite when it comes to minding my grammar and whotnot. So forgive me if it appears lazy and rushed but I will make the utmost effort in cleaning it up when life has calmed down.

Moving on. I recently picked up a pearl barley and spinach risotto in Woolies. For a ready-made meal it is not bad. In addition, it uses barley instead of rice which I love as I am not the hugest rice fan. It is light, tasty and cheap enough for me to justify buying it for lunch and let me tell you, this is the first and only ready-made meal I will concede or admit to eating. I abhor them and find that there is no excuse for being lazy in the kitchen, but lunchtime I feel is different. In any case, my version is far tastier and healthier and it is really so easy to throw together. This is how it goes:

For the barley:
rinse 2 cups of pearl barley really well under a tap
place in a pot and cover with 6 cups of water
add a generous pinch of salt
2 cubes of vegetable stock
boil gently on a medium heat for 35 mins (keep watching the pot as the barley absorbs a lot of water)
after 35 minutes, taste one of the grains and and see if it is soft enough, if not add a little more water so the top is only just covered and keep watching and testing the barley
like rice, once the water has been boiled away, cover the pot with a cloth to catch the excess steam
put the barley to one side

2 cloves of garlic
2 grated carrots
2 sticks of finely chopped celery
1 finely chopped onion
1 of shitake mushrooms (sliced coarsely)
1 punnet of chestnut mushrooms (sliced coarsely)
a generous handful of thyme (thrown in whole)
1 stock cube
1/2 cup of good white wine
1/2 cup of milk
Parmesan shavings to garnish (a generous amount)

fry onion and garlic on a low heat till garlic is soft (remember be careful with garlic as it has a low burning point)
add grated carrots and celery
mix well and fry for a further 5 minutes
add sliced mushrooms
dissolve stock cube in the tiniest bit of water and add to the vegetables
add milk and wine and stir gently
add the thyme
cover and simmer on a low heat for 10 minutes
add to the barley and stir the barley and the sauce together
put in an oven proof dish and place into a preheated oven of 140 degrees for 15 minutes
remove from oven
remove thyme
garnish with parmesan

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