Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tom Yum Help

Tonight, I am somewhat freaked out. I MEAN FREAKED OUT. I have had a hell of a day organising interviews, sending our releases and had the day topped off with a 3 hour meeting for feminine hygiene products and discussed vaginal discharge and menstruation odours ad nauseam whilst everything else fell apart around me. By this I mean having to fill in a thesis for my mortgage application, see my accountant, my financial advisor, my mortgage broker and my estate agent. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL THIS AND WORK. Huh? And if anyone has advice, please feel free to comment.

Rory is off for a pizza tonight with a mate which is great because a) I don't eat pizza ever, I find it offensive and he can go to a pizza place and indulge with glee and he gets to spend an evening with his friend which gets him away from stressed out, freaky me.

I am going for a glass of wine with a friend at Full Stop which I am quite looking forward to. Even though I should be working, as I should be now.

Anyhow, on the way back from feminine hygiene 101, I thought I would want something healthy, quick and tasty for dinner that required minimum preparation and cooking time. So Tom Yom Soup it is. Another one of my very favourite dishes, again because it is healthy and fragrant. You do need a few specialised ingredients for this dish but you will find them all in a Woolworths or one of the better Pick n Pay stores. You will need:

Serves 2
1 packet of Tom Yom paste
6 mushrooms cut and quartered (shitake work best but you can use button)
2 sprigs of spring onion (chopped)
Handful of chopped coriander
12 prawns (you can substitute with chicken pieces that have been cut into small chunks. These can be boiled in the soup but add them first and make sure they are boiled for 10 minutes before adding your veg)
3 courgettes (sliced into rounds)
1 tablespoon of sweet chili sauce
1 tablespoon of fish sauce


Empty Tom Yom paste into a pot.
Fill with 4 cups of water
Add sweet chili sauce and fish sauce
Add courgettes and simmer for 5 minutes
Add mushrooms
Add prawns
Mix well and pour into 2 bowls
Garnish with spring onions and coriander

Voila! Dinner made. No mess, no fuss.

I now have to pull myself towards myself and have a long hard think as to why I am putting serious amounts of work off and find myself incapable of completing my mortgage form (that is 25 pages long).

I really find myself completely overwhelmed tonight. Enjoy your Tom Yum. It really is yum.


  1. further things i should consider keeping in the emergency grocery cupboard...in fact, miss swaine, i think you should make an emergency grocery cupboard list and post it here!

  2. Miss Cohn,

    I was actually going to do a store cupboard essentials list in the next 2 posts. I will make sure you are the first to get it.

  3. please...we're planning to do a big shop sat morning, and i need this list before that happens! any chance you can do that post tonight? no pressure...just sayin' ;-)
