Monday, May 31, 2010

Jerusalem artichoke soup or leek and potato soup and spelling errors

First off, please allow for my spelling errors. By the time I get around to writing this blog, I am usually tired and cross-eyed, or in yesterday's case, somewhat hanging from a night at Martin's new place, The Office. You must go folks, it's great. Claire - why did I go back? Why didn't I stay in bed like a normal person? Anyhow, even if I do double check for errors I can't find them as the page is a blur. And I can't get Rory to check them because he can't read.

Anyhow, I digress. Today was a stinker. I have seemed to do a series of freebies for people in a week I can least afford to with work-load and house and work and work. But no work means no house so keep it coming. By the way, my bond was accepted and my bank now owns my house. I now need to find builders, buy everything for the kitchen, a TV, a washing machine, a bed, a desk, a chair a sofa and and and. So not stressed at all. Really, I promise. Fair to say I have an inventory which I will be giving my girlfriends of what I need. Then they will come to my flat and give me presents as we sit on cardboard boxes. But no knives, that's just bad luck. I have tested the theory and it is true.

Anyhoo, onto jerusalem artichoke is easy and healthy and you can substitute the artichokes for leeks and potatoes (4 large leeks and 5 large potatoes). And folk, the difference between leek and potato soup and Vichyssoise is that leek and potato soup is served warm and Vichyssoise is served cold. Geddit? Lastly, I have substituted low fat milk for cream as cream freaks me out and I don't believe that there is a need for it in this day and age unless you are after a triple bypass. Right... here we go:

Jersusalem artichoke soup / leek and potato soup

Prepare 750g (3 1/2 cups) Jerusalem artichokes (or a mix of artichokes and potatoes) by par-boiling and peeling (peeling see first jerusalem artichoke blog. Par boil for about 10 minutes
Cut potatoes and artichokes into chunks.
Gently cook 1 large chopped onion and a crushed clove of garlic in a little oil to release the garlic flavour.
Add 2 sticks of chopped celery and the artichokes or artichoke and potato mix or leek and potato mix.
Pour on 1 litre (4 cups) hot vegetable stock (2 cubes)
Bring to the boil, reduce to a simmer and cook, covered for 20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
Puree in a blender, and add milk or more stock to thin if necessary. Season to taste.


1 comment:

  1. this is my favourite kind of soup...second to cucumber! i love, hot or cold.
