Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do you do with tofu? U2 can make coconut and sesame encrusted smoked tofu.


I frequently get calls and messages from friends (and occasionally family) asking how something should be cooked or a serving suggestion and I find it pretty flattering. People obviously assume I know what I'm doing which most of the time, in the kitchen I have come to realise I do, or else this blog would be an exercise in futility.

Anyhow, a friend of mine called me a few weeks back and asked what he should do with a block of tofu and he must have caught me at a pretty uninspiring time of day as I don't remember reverting with anything groundbreaking, sorry James (Adey). So to make up for my unenthusiastic response, I gave it a bit of thought and came up with a bloody marvelous recipe.

A lot of people don't don't like tofu and I honestly think that is because they have not given it a fair chance. Not only is it really high in protein and low in fat, but it is mouthwateringly delicious if given a bit of culinary TLC and I wanted to do something a bit different with it as apposed to tossing it into a pasta or similar.

You can buy the blocks of tofu from health shops and they are mostly available in smoked or plain forms. I always go for the smoked option as it has a delicious sweet flavour and can be used as it comes in salads or pastas. However, even vegetarians have special occasions to cook for and this recipe turns tofu into something rather special. It has a distinctly oriental feel to it and is sweet and smokey and crunchy all at once. Serve with a salad of julienned carrots and cucumber, chopped spring onion and coriander and you are sorted (the dressing for this salad is a simple one of 1 teaspoon of soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of sweet chili sauce, juice of 2 limes. This dressing is also a great dip for the tofu).

Coconut and Sesame Encrusted Tofu (Serves 2)

1 packet of smoked tofu
1 packet of desiccated coconut
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
1 carton of creamed coconut (you can use buttermilk as an alternative if you can't find creamed blocks of coconut)
Sesame oil for frying


Melt your creamed coconut with some boiling water but ensure the consistency is gloopy and thick (not watery) as this will act as the binding agent for your sesame seeds and coconut. Pour the thick creamed coconut mixture onto a plate. Or pour the thick buttermilk onto a plate

Mix the desiccated coconut and the sesame seeds together and place on another plate

Make sure you dry the block of tofu off with some kitchen towel before slicing

Slice the smoked tofu into fingers about 2 cm thick

Set a third plate aside for the tofu once coated. Dip the tofu into the creamed coconut / buttermilk mixture and then dip into the sesame seed and desiccated coconut and place on a plate, ready to fry

Heat a pan on a LOW to MEDIUM heat with sesame oil. Now I say Low to medium as sesame oil has a very high burn point so you are going to have to work fast or you will crisp your coconut batter instead of lightly toasting it

Pour in enough oil to cover the pan. You will hear it sizzle within 30 seconds to a minute

Add your tofu fingers and allow for 15- 20 seconds for each side. Turn the tofu to cook the other side and hopefully your coconut will be lightly toasted and a delicious golden brown when turned. Please watch the pan closely as sesame oil is lethal when it is too hot.

Serve with said salad.

PS: To anyone who's reading this (James, Jack, Kesh) Bono does not suck and you are all secretly jealous of me. But it's ok, nobody is perfect and I will invite you for dinner and we will listen to U2 as I tell you how amazing the concert was, you bunch of haters.


  1. Recipe sounds good! Bono / U2 does not.


  2. Yo, WEEMER. Unlike my cold, liking U2 is in fact not an illness. It's not me, it's U2. God speed and peace out.

  3. you had to say something about U2, didnt you
