Thursday, November 25, 2010

Having it raw and naked - Celeriac coleslaw

As work has pretty much taken over my life and silly season approaches with it's unrelenting alcohol consumption, I thought it best I get a blog in. I realise my recipes have been slim on the net of late.

I drank myself into a stupour on Friday last week thus Saturday's blog didn't metarialise. Whilst everybody seems to be winding down with work, I am picking up momentum at a rate of knots and all I want to do is rearrange my bathroom cupboard and spend my days swooning over antiques and bits for the flat. As this takes time of which I have none, I thought it a spectacularly brilliant idea to get absolutely obliterated instead.

It was a funny kind of night, the kind where you don't think you're getting drunk and so you smash a few more tequilas down your throat and have a fine old boogie. Meanwhile back at the ranch, you come off the dance floor with wet hair and melting make-up and you hit a wall. A mighty hard brick wall. Take a cab home with some people and realise that your wallet is somewhere in the club or with someone in the club. Luckily, 4 tequilas have taken the edge off EVERYTHING, so you don't really worry and are certain that the wallet fairies will put it on your bedside table whilst you sleep the pain away.

My wallet fairy came in the form of a friend of mine. I woke up the next morning only to receive a text message from him saying he had picked it up off the floor in the bar - awesome. He lives in Joburg CBD - not so awesome but we will deal with that later and the GARMIN fairy will attend to that.

Not feeling so fresh, off we went to join some folk for breakfast at the new Parkhurst outdoor food spot. I threw on a strapless all-in-one number and a pair of Havana flip-flops and I think considering my antics the night before I didn't look half bad. We arrive at the market and God help me, my best friend is wearing the identical outfit and the identical sandals - synchronicity indeed. This is probably what prompted me having to lie down (euphemism maybe?) on the bathroom floor in the shop next door, not the copious amounts of alcohol the night before, of course.

The Super outdoor food market in Parkhurst really is quite lovely. Nestled between Georges on 4th and a clothes store (I think) I was still drunk at the time, it is a refreshing, village-like, food market with a very London feel. The astroturf, bright colours and wooden trestle tables make it the perfect breakfast outing on a Saturday. Kate - I had no idea you were part of this venture, it is spectacular!

Offerings include a juice stand which served watermelon and rose juices and orange to name a few (2 of these saved my life) and wonderful breakfast sandwich variants which were served on fresh crusty bread. However protein and carbohydrates seemed way too an advanced food group for me on this particular Saturday morning. Do check it out, their website address is

On Saturday night there was more drinking and on Sunday too - this prompted me to accept that I may need an alcohol-free week and somewhat of a detox which would incorporate much raw food. As it's summer, this is really not too hard a task and there are so many great variations of salads, you'd be hard-pressed to eat the same vegetable in a week.

Raw or naked food is best for vitamin and mineral consumption as nutrients are not lost in the cooking process and natural flavourants mean that food needn't be bland or boring. The recipe below is for a coleslaw salad with a difference; no mayo and not your obligatory cabbage and carrot. Although there is a fair amount of chopping and peeling involved, it's deliciously refreshing and perfect for a snack on the go.

A quick note, celeriac is not all that popular in South Africa but you can find it at speciality fruit and vegetable stores. I found it at Dunkeld Fruit and Flower, they never let me down. I will however start asking them to sponsor this blog if I keep mentioning their shop repeatedly.

Celeriac, carrot and fennel coleslaw with a coriander and fennel seed vinaigrette (serves 5)

1 large peeled celeriac
5 large peeled carrots
5 fennel bulbs
1 red onion
a large head of chopped coriander

For the vinaigrette

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
juice of 2 lemons
2 teaspoons of wholegrain mustard
1 heaped teaspoon of fennel seeds


Julienne your celeriac, carrots and fennel

Slice your onion into paper thin rounds

Add the coriander

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well

Salt well and add pepper to taste

For the vinaigrette:

Much the same, mix all the ingredients together

Throw the vinaigrette over the coleslaw ingredients and mix well. Place the salad in the fridge for an hour or two so the dressing can really marinade the vegetables and take the sting out of the onion.

Eat guilt free and as much as you like.

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