Thursday, October 14, 2010

Granny blood cupcakes and pea soup

Rightio then, so this is how my Thursday the 14th of October began; an 8:30 meeting during which the following topics were discussed: deep sea fishing, uranium mines, blood diamonds (no relation to the uranium mines) and Brett Kebble . Is it any wonder I felt a bit de-centred for the rest of the day? I had every intention of cracking on and being productive and seemed to have made a million phone calls but can't really recall getting anything done. Oh, and it will be beyond interesting to see how I am going to cope with the four new clients I have just picked up as I hurtle into end of year burn-out. Anyone who knows of a decent PR person with existing media contacts, a good eye for detail and can write themselves out of a paper bag, please let me know. Have I mentioned my recent bout of insomnia lately? It's just awesome.

So after returning from the twilight zone this afternoon, I get a diatribe posted on my Facebook wall from Jack who had a flash of genius and produced a piece of Facebook literature exclusively for me. It went something like this:

‎"Sammy, at this rate I am going to have to befriend the wolf-pack and spend my Thursday nights wearing skinny jeans, Wayfarers, with a random subversive V-neck t-shirt whilst drinking a Black Label, eating granny blood cupcakes and listening to a highly fashionable indie electro tekno outfit ( which was formed that afternoon at the Agency water cooler ) whose music is made with a gramophone, Speak & Spell and a colander". Now there will be some of you who will have a point of reference for this tirade and the rest of you will just have to appreciate the randomness of the post. Jack, this post will live on forever.

So tonight was catch up on work night. I sent some releases out and wrote some copy as a favour for a friend of mine who is opening a kid's pilates studio - Princess Pilates by Holly Hughes (apply within for further information). So something quick and simple but comforting was on the menu. Firstly cause of the weirdness of my day and secondly because it is a tad grey and mis outside. Pea soup it was.

Let me give you a very quick lesson in peas. When I was in PR in London, I did the PR for a certain brand of frozen peas (I am not giving you the name as my fingers are no longer bleeding from penning PR bullsh*t spin for pennies and my job is done). I did however learn a lot. And this is what I will impart: frozen peas are the peas to use. It takes roughly three hours for the peas to go from field to frozen which means they are fresh as you like when you pluck them out of your retailer's freezer. The longer the peas stand (shelled or unshelled) in a fridge, the blander they will taste. This is because the sugar in peas which makes them so sweet, transforms into starch the moment they are picked from the ground. Please take my word on this, I have been to enough pea fields, pea factories and done enough pea tastings to put me off peas for life. Lesson over. Now for the recipe and as with most of my recipes, it's quick and healthy. And as with all recipes, there are so many variations on this. Pea and mint / pea and ham; again play with your ingredients, this is just what I had to hand tonight.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

1 onion chopped
1 clove of garlic
1/2 packet of frozen peas
1 tablespoon of creme fraiche
2 cubes of veggie stock / chicken stock
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of fish sauce
salt and pepper to taste


Fry your chopped onion off until soft
Add garlic and fry this off on a low heat with the onions till soft (FYI: you add the garlic after as there is no taste worse than burnt garlic)
Boil your peas in the stock cubes for 7 minutes maximum (you don't want grey soup)
Drain peas and decant into a bowl *(leave about 4 cups of the stock and add to the bowl of peas)
Add onion and garlic to bowl
Add fish sauce and sugar and mix all ingredients well
Blend the contents of the bowl well
Add salt and pepper to taste
Serve with a dollop of creme fraiche which will melt into the soup

I am now going to try my very best to get some sleep.

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