Monday, November 29, 2010

Too hot to handle - Aubergine dip

Where to begin with this one . . . another weekend down and I feel as if I haven't had one. It's the end of the year and my inclination for working weekends and evenings is dissipating somewhat. I also feel just a little resentful that people are starting to knock off work earlier and are having fun. Without me.

Although there was much work in terms of events and releases to be done this weekend, it was not all a wash out (if you don't count my flatmate's / close friend's birthday party being rained out on Sunday). Them's the breaks with Joburg summers, much like the UK, you can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather - thank you OutKast.

So Friday night began with a rather large birthday dinner at Il Giardino at 44 Stanley. It was pretty epic, I don't think that there were less than 20 people there. Overwhelmed by the numbers, we landed in safe groups around the table as we were given military orders to eat up fast as we were going to go for a drink at one of the girl's houses before going out (unbeknown to the birthday girl there was a stripper arriving at 11). Although I contributed to the antics I had an event on Saturday morning and was unable to attend. C'est la vie, I guess. To be honest, I think I would be terrified!

Following my event on Saturday I attended the Joburg Food Wine Design fair at Hyde Park. It was the first of its kind in Jozy and very much like Cape Town's Biscuit Mill. I must concede that there is a greater variety in Cape Town in terms of fashion and decor design so it was great to see all the offerings on show in my home town. The food left me quite surprised as most of the produce was from Cape Town. We have some real gems in Joburg in terms of artisan cheese-makers, a lot of whom have farms in Muldersdrift and sausage makers and so on. I really wanted to see them there as I am desperate to get stuck into some real local produce but I can ill afford the time to take a drive out anywhere at this point. But to be fair, there was some great South African faire on offer such as oysters, game pates, charcuterie and divine wines. I am sure we will see more Joburg producers there next time. I must just give a shout out to Kath who was the project manager for the show, you did a STERLING job, really. What an achievement, the show was slick and sexy and well managed and you looked serene and gorgeous as if you had just organised a dinner for two. I'm bowled over, really.

The rest of the weekend was spent with some pretty awesome people, some familiar folk and some new folk. However I am totally peopled out now and am trying to use this respite to be productive as 2010 draws to a close.

It's hot and I can't really be bothered with big meals, especially as I am working a lot so I am opting for picky bits and I had an overwhelming craving today for crudités and aubergine dip. It's actually really easy to make, yet I find people are terrified of eggplant. Don't be.

Aubergine Dip (serves 4-ish)

4 aubergines
1 large onion (very finely chopped)
3 garlic cloves (very finely chopped)
2 heaped tablespoons of plain greek yoghurt
1 handful of chopped coriander
1 chopped deseeded chili
2 handfuls of toasted pine nuts (toast on a hot oil-free pan - but watch them, they burn VERY fast)
juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
olive oil
salt and pepper


Place your aubergines whole on a baking tray and bake in an oven of 180 degrees until the skin is soft and wrinkly. Remove and cool

Fry off your onion and garlic until soft and brown in a little olive oil

Once the aubergines have cooled, cut them in half and remove all the fleshy bits and place in a sieve or a colander and drain. It's the excess water that can make an eggplant dish taste a little bitter

Add the aubergine to the onion and garlic on the stove and mix in well

Salt well to taste

Add pepper

Add the yoghurt, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, chili and pine nuts and mix in well

Remove from the heat and mix in the coriander

Place all ingredients in a food processor and give it a QUICK blitz (you still want some texture in there)

Serve in a dip bowl and garnish with coriander and toasted pine nuts

A great dip for crisps and vegetables . . . over and out. Weekend where are you?

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